Denial Of Service



Abbreviated as DoS,Denial of Service is literally denial of services. The services could be websites, web-servers,network resources,etc. and make them inaccessible for its users.

It can be accomplished using:

Types of DoS

Distributed Denial Of Service :

Abbreivated as DDos,Distributed Denial Of Service occurs when the service gets denied to people because requests are coming in from multiple sources at the same time.It can cause the serive (web server,ftp-server,etc.) to come to a shutdown entirely.
DDos is quite common, and can be accomplished by the use of bots.

DDos Amplification

A DDoS Amplification attack is an attack where a small payload genreated by the attacker gets amplified by the time it reaches the victim.This generally occurs by the exploitation of 3rd party services (or older protocols that don't have much security features)

For Example : An attacker requests for Domain keys from mulitple DNS servers, but by spoofing himself as a web-server(W). Now the payload is small(request for DNS keys).

When the DNS server responds with the keys, the response is amplified. It can overwhelm the web-server eventually leading it to a point of failure.